Your Cleanest Air For Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Mobile Air System
EnviroKlenz Versus VOCs

In this chamber study, a volatile organic compound was released in an environmental chamber under ambient conditions. The EnviroKlenz® Air Cartridge works through a combination of physical and chemical mechanisms. EnviroKlenz® materials are capable of removing and destroying these compounds from a variety of indoor airspaces, processing streams, storage facilities, also anywhere that these harmful compounds are generated. The method or process used in the destruction of these compounds differs depending on the compound in questions. EnviroKlenz® materials will chemically dismantle the many VOCs.
Are VOCs Tainting Your Home’s Air Quality?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are gases that are emitted into the air from different products or processes used within your indoor environment. In your home, your air quality can be affected, sometimes drastically, by VOCs that happen to get released into the air. Some sources of VOCs within your indoor living space are obvious, while others can be challenging to pinpoint, or almost alarming to learn of its potentially hazardous nature. From cleaning products, to building materials, and even hobby supplies, they can all contain and possibly release VOCs into the air of your home, tainting the entire environment.
Identifying the key sources of chemical emissions and VOCs inside your personal indoor environment is important to improving and/or maintaining the overall indoor air quality (IAQ).
What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?
According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), volatile organic compounds are extremely hazardous chemicals that evaporate at room temperature and become emitted into the air by a wide array of products that are used in the home. Inside an indoor environment, such as a home or an office building, VOCs will often off-gas from chemicals that are contained within the different products and items found in this indoor space.
Depending on the specific concentration of VOCs present in the enclosed area, the effect(s) that may take affect over the environment or the health of those who are exposed to this environment (short-term or long-term health effects) can vary drastically.

Where Do VOCs Come From?

The various sources of VOCs can be wide spread and numerous throughout your indoor living space. VOC emissions occur from both natural and manmade sources that are found within the home. VOCs may be released into the air by household or office products including personal care items, glue, air freshener and printers. These chemicals are also frequently produced from the off-gassing of building materials such as wood, carpet, and paint.
The level of VOCs that are found in the indoor environment can depend on several different factors, such as the activities of the occupants of this environment and their use of products within this space that emits VOCs into the air.
4 Signs Your Home May Have High Levels of VOCs
1. A Detectable Odor
All odors that are detectable to the human nose originates from chemicals, therefore a key identifier of VOCs inside your home will be by using your nose. Not all chemicals produce an odor into the environment, but many VOCs will emit some sort of odor that will spread throughout the indoor space and leave you searching for this ‘mysterious’ odor. This odor is produced when off-gassing occurs from new products that have entered into the enclosed living space of your home.

2. Spike in Health Symptoms
When VOCs are spread throughout your air, inside your personal environment, an individual present in this environment may begin to experience a bout of health symptoms that can come on quickly and often times suddenly. The health risks associated with VOCs in your environment depend on how much is in the air, how long it has been present in the environment, and how often a person is breathing in this contaminated air.
However, when there is a high level of VOCs inside your home, a flare of symptoms will begin to occur within the body of an individual that has experienced exposure to this environment.
Common symptoms associated with high levels of VOC exposure includes the following:
- Eyes, nose, & throat irritation
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Worsening of Asthma
- Damage to the kidneys, liver, or nervous system
3. Poor Indoor Ventilation

All odors that are detectable to the human nose originates from chemicals, therefore a key identifier of VOCs inside your home will be by using your nose. Not all chemicals produce an odor into the environment, but many VOCs will emit some sort of odor that will spread throughout the indoor space and leave you searching for this ‘mysterious’ odor. This odor is produced when off-gassing occurs from new products that have entered into the enclosed living space of your home.
4. New Construction/New Furnishings
If your home is going through, or has recently gone through new construction, then the chances are there is a spike in the level of VOCs present inside your indoor environment. During construction, new materials and items are brought into the environment that contain vast amounts of chemicals that will become airborne inside the space when it reaches room temperature. New paint, carpeting, flooring, wood cabinets, and even appliances can all increase the level of VOCs present inside your home.
Can an Air Cleaner Help Remove VOCs?
When VOCs are contaminating your indoor air, there is a need to quickly act to restore your indoor air quality back to a healthy level. The easiest and most effective way to restore your IAQ back to healthy levels is through the use of an air cleaner or air purifier.
Chemical VOC air cleaners are specifically designed to reduce exposure to contaminants such as VOCs that travel throughout indoor environments. Several air purifiers utilize different technologies that are simply inept at eliminating the broad spectrum of VOCs that are present in the air, and thus it is critical to find an air purification system that is capable and effective at actually breaking down and eliminating the various types of VOCs that become inhabitants inside your indoor air.
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System
Are VOCs contaminating your personal indoor air?
It may be surprising to learn the many different sources of VOCs present inside your home – especially those items that you use everyday without a single thought! If you have started to notice the dramatic impact VOCs are placing onto your indoor environment and the air you are breathing within this space, it may be time to invest in a highly effective VOC eliminating air purification system.

The Cleanest Air
Your Home Has Ever Had.
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System
(Standard Model)
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System
(UV-C Model)