How Do You Get Rid of New Carpet Fumes
When it comes to selecting flooring in your home, many times carpeting will be the best choice for either your budget or your needs, i.e. in a kid’s room or a play room. Carpeting comes in a variety of colors and styles that gives us endless options when it comes to matching or decorating a room, which is one of the major appeals of selecting carpet for your home’s flooring. However, carpeting also has its downfalls, as it can potentially produce and emit harmful chemicals and odors into your environment upon installation of this material in your home.
After your new carpet is installed in a room inside your home or any indoor space, an odor will begin to develop and progress quickly throughout the environment. This new carpet fume odor is the result of chemicals used within the manufacturing process of the carpet that starts to release as it acclimates within the rooms temperature.
These chemicals that are released into the air from your carpeting are known as VOCs and they can be potentially hazardous upon exposure. Depending on the number of VOCs that are released into the environment and the amount of exposure to these chemicals, can impact health effects and will result in symptoms such as sneezing, eye and nose irritation, trouble breathing, and other respiratory problems.

New Carpet Smell

The new carpet smell that you will begin to smell after installation has occurred is commonly referred to as off gassing. Off gassing occurs when chemicals that are used in the manufacturing process, such as VOCs, are brought into conditions where its temperature regulates to room temperature and turns into a gas. Once the chemical turns into a gaseous state it will then start to release this gas into the air causing a strong odor and potential adverse health effects to humans upon exposure. The strong odor that carpeting produces is what is known as ‘new carpet smell’.
How to Get Rid of Carpet Smell
After new carpet is installed the off-gassing process is at its highest 72 hours after the fact. Although off gassing can occur for an extended amount of time, sometimes years after installation. Therefore, acting quickly to remediate and mitigate this new carpet fume odor from your home is essential.
Following the tips below can help you accomplish this chemical removal from your carpet.
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